Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mail, Mail, Mail!

Ever wonder how much of your mail is actually personal? It's around 3.8%! You'll also be surprised that junk mail "advertising"  only makes up 8.1% of your total! (Seems more like 30% to me!)

- Samuel Giacinto

On a Rainy Day... New Photos>>

I love this picture, I think it looks professional!  But I took
this in the backyard today, and thought it would look neat with
the water droplets!

A flower petal in the rain.  Notice the large droplet to the
left magnifies the flower behind it!

Watch Teelin: The Baltimore St. Patrick's Day Parade 2012 (Teelin)

Click video title for larger

I recorded and edited this video; it's my sisters dance school and I recored it so she could see how they looked as a group (really amazing), enjoy!

Everything Electronic: iPad 3 Heat Issues

Everything Electronic: iPad 3 Heat Issues:   The iPad 3s larger internal battery and faster A5X CPU/GPU increases TDP. Apple recently confirmed that the new iPad is the fastest selling iPad yet, but....